Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 19:19:40
To:"David Franck"
Subject: Re: The Truck for Sale - $2500 (North)
David -
Great! I am attaching a picture of it. You can send the check to:
Arlene Davis
Bloomington, IN. 47403
Once the check gets here, I can call you if you would like and we can discuss how/when it can be picked up.
God's Blessings!
Arlene Davis
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

I'm surprised you even attached a picture of a real truck. Doesn't Wyatt have a toy truck you could've used a picture of?
God's Blessings!
Of course he has tons of trucks. But, I wasn't sure if the guy would actually look at the picture or not.
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