Friday, June 20, 2008

Back to Craig's List

Ok, I'm back on Craig's List again. This time, instead of selling something, I am looking to buy something.

I am in search of 2 Adult White Geese. It's a long story, but we need to find some.

Sex is unimportant, but I think that if you are having sex with birds (particularly geese) you are one sick puppy.

So, if you are reading this, and apparently I have a following, and you know of someone in the Bloomington, IN area that has white geese, please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

I'm also considering putting something on there for sale to see if I can draw Scam Man out again. I have a suspision that the last guy was Scam Man with a different alias since he disappeared on me so quickly.

Also, thank you to those who have either commented or emailed me to let me know how you found out about my blog and to share how you heard about it. An even bigger thank you to those who let me know that I helped them to avoid being scammed by him when they googled his name and found my blog.

I really appreciate it.

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