Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ok, off topic . . .

But, I might as well use my little audience for good.

I have come across the following link and am facinated by it. Be sure to watch the Food Network clip! It's another case of "Why didn't I think of that?".


So, if you want to do something positive for the world today (remember, I am not one to go out and save the world), here is what you can do:

1. Save your stickers. Barry mainly uses fruit stickers, but he DOES use other kinds. I suggest saving them on a piece of wax paper.

2. Send them to Barry. I guess you could send them to me if you would like and I could send them to him. I work with a relative of his and she can pack them up and send them to him.

3. Buy some of Barry's prints.

No, I am not plugging him because I feel he needs the money. I am plugging it because I love the concept and his artwork.


MzHartz said...

Wow, that's beautiful! Maybe I'll try something like that one of these days...

Arlene said...

It's amazing. I may not be able to create art, but I can appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

he now uses segno123@hotmail.com

Tried the same with me untill i found you post THANKS for posting