From: arlenedavis@att.blackberry.net
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 00:12:57
To:"Chris Palmer"
Subject: Re: Practically New Queen Mattress & Box Springs - $350 (North)
Chris -
Since you shared your secret of not being able to talk on the phone due to your stutter, I thought I'd share a little more about myself.
I'm a registered Republican. I believe that the only thing wrong with the death penalty is that we do not carry it out quickly enough.
I approve of gay marriages.
I believe that I should have the right to have a license plate that carries no significant religious references.
I approve of and support seatbelt and helmet laws.
I love the color red.
I do not feel that we should be required to provide services in any other languages besides English in the US.
I believe in the right to own guns and I carry a beautiful .25 semiautomatic with me where ever I go. It"s steel with a mother-of-pearl grip.
I have two college degrees and I'm working on a third. I'm halfway thru it.
I'd love to go into the field of forensic science.
I do crossword puzzles a lot.
I'm the youngest of three and therefore I am the tattletale.
I'm stubborn.
I've never had a penpal until you.
And, I have a wicked sense of humor.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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