From: arlenedavis@att.blackberry.net
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:14:36
To:"Scam Man"
Subject: Good Morning!
Chris -
I forgot to tell you that I experienced some excitement Saturday evening on the way into town.
A truck caught on fire at the gas station as I was pulling in.
I'm attaching a picture here of it
I'm also pleasantly surprised at the number og people who have visited www.anatomyofascam.blogspot.com to read about you.
If you haven't had the chance to visit, you should take some time out of your day to do so.
God's Blessings!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
You'll probably get a few more hits, I let some other people know about this blog. I think this is a classic, and just had to share it!
Thanks for entertaining me with a true tale of hilarity in this cyberage we live in.
My question is: Did you actually alert the FBI etc? That would make the story even better.
Also thanks to MzHartz for twittering this, should have posted it earlier.
Michelle -
Thanks for passing this along. I have plans to get it thru the media.
Arronh -
Yes, I did actually speak to an FBI agent. We have an office here locally so I gave them a call. I left a message and a special agent called me back. We had a nice discussion about things. It's kind of weird to answer the phone and have someone identify themselves as a special agent though. It's a little creepy.
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